Statement & Objectives
IEEE Canada continues to face critical challenges. Over 29 years, I’ve been actively serving IEEE members with dedication and proven record of accomplishments. I held various leadership positions at all IEEE levels that allowed me to participate and fully understand IEEE’s structure and challenges. I will strive my best to:
Ensure IEEE Canada’s long-term success, and help members thrive by providing more resources and services.
Increase IEEE Canada’s prominence and visibility within industry/academia/government to enable professionals to advance technology for benefitting humanity.
Increase technical activities’ responsiveness to the needs of rapidly changing industry.
Improve publications, conferences and Standards as high-quality products to curate innovation, attract worldwide participation, increase membership, and improve revenue.
Build profound interaction between IEEE Canada Board and its Areas, Sections, Chapters, Young Professionals, Women in Engineering, Student Branches, and IEEE Canadian Foundation.
Support diversity, equity and inclusion.
Provide leadership to achieve IEEE's vision, mission, goals, strategies, plans, budgets, and reinforce IEEE global leadership.
Raise IEEE BoD's and MGA’s attention to any matters regarding IEEE Canada activities/concerns, and recommendations by IEEE Canada Board.
In support of my statement:
Build profound continued connection and interaction between IEEE Canada Board and its Areas (East, Central, West), Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, Young Professionals, Women in Engineering, Student Branches, and IEEE Canadian Foundation.
Improve finances; focus on increasing revenue that will lead to increasing activities.
Elevate IEEE Canada Conferences as desired high-quality flagship events that curate innovation, and attract worldwide participation.
Improve IEEE Canada Publications (magazine, transaction), and establish Open Access Journal.
Increase education programs, STEM, and outreach to pre-university/pre-college students.
Support diversity, equity & inclusion, and industry engagement.
Increase membership while maintaining retention.
Strive to better serve IEEE members’ needs by improving and maximizing the real value of IEEE membership with innovative, relevant, and quality products and services:
continuing education, publications, conferences, webinars, seminars, research activities and networking opportunities.
Inspire and motivate volunteering in IEEE Canada for gaining valuable experience and leadership skills.
Increase its prominence and visibility within industry, academia as the voice of professionals who can enhance technology for societal betterment.
Increase its participation and service to humanity.
Position IEEE Canada and increase its technical activities responsive to the needs of rapidly changing industry.
Improve IEEE Canada Publications (magazine, transaction), and establish Open Access Journal.
Serve at IEEE Board of Directors (BoD) and IEEE MGA Board to the best interests of IEEE, its members and the public.
Provide leadership in achieving IEEE's vision, mission, goals, strategies, plans, budgets, and reinforce IEEE global leadership.
Demonstrate the highest standards of collaboration and collegiality with all Directors of IEEE BoD.
Raise and bring to MGA's and BoD's attention any matters related to IEEE Canada activities/concerns, and IEEE Canada Board recommendations.
Participate actively in IEEE BoD and MGA Meetings, its activities, strategic planning, and serve on standing committees/task forces as needed.
Extend the IEEE Canada relationship and coordination with IEEE Regions, TAB (Societies/Councils), EAB, PSPB, HTB, and SA.