IEEE Accomplishments and Activities

IEEE Accomplishments and Activities

I’ve been actively serving IEEE members for more than 29 years with dedication and proven record of accomplishments. I held various leadership positions at all IEEE levels (IEEE: Institute, Technical Activities, Member and Geographic Activities, Boards, Committees, Societies, Regions, Sections, Chapters, Affinity Groups, and Student Branches). Also, I served in conferences, publications, education, workshops, meetings, events, and finance. This allowed me to participate and fully understand IEEE’s structure, governance, successes and challenges. Serving as IEEE Canada President is not a privilege but it is a responsibility and commitment, and I strongly believe that I do have the experience, qualifications, business acumen, and ability that make me an ideal candidate for this position and move IEEE Canada forward. 

The following are my IEEE Accomplishments, Activities and Services:

Major Contributions:


Consumer Technology Society (CTSoc):

Communications Society (ComSoc):

Region 7/IEEE Canada:

Ottawa Section:

Conferences/Symposia/Workshops (not all listed):

Honours, Awards, Medals, and Certificates: